General Info - click plus ⊕ for more detail
Any person aged 15 and over can register for the event. Minors under the age of 15 can participate in the event as long as they are accompanied by an adult accepting parental responsibility, ideally in the same craft or in an accompanying craft in the case of single kayaks for example. All participants must declare that they have read and accept these regulations as per the Waiver and that they are sufficiently physically and mentally fit to participate in the event.
Human-Powered Craft
Rowed or paddled boats or craft of any weight and size can take part in the event. All craft must be suitable for the intended number of occupants and only powered by human power. A maximum of 25 persons can be in any individual craft if the craft has the capacity for that number of occupants. No motorized or sailed craft are permitted in the event itself. However, as the event will be conducted in open waters, it is possible that other vessels not participating in the event, either motorized or under sail, may be using the same waterways at the same time as the event.
Rules and Checks
Crews should not encroach on or obstruct the proper course of another craft, interfere with other crews’ oars or commit any act to the detriment of other participants or which might threaten their safety or free enjoyment of the event either as a participant or as a spectator. It is also strictly forbidden for any craft to leave the waters of the fixed course which will be conspicuously marked by signs set out by the Organizing Committee unless previously approved. Safety checks may be carried out along the course and any infringements to these regulations will be referred to the Organizing Committee for appropriate action.
Conduct and Disciplinary Measures
The Organizing Committee of the event will consider any complaints arising from the event as well as any notifications of infringements to these regulations. Their decision on these matters will be final and, in the case of proven misconduct by any participant, penalties may be imposed including but not limited to the possible exclusion from any future event conducted.
Use of Personal Information - refer to Privacy page
Other Event Info - click plus ⊕ for more detail
Ceremonial Start
The Vogalonga Down Unda 2022 regatta is scheduled to start no later that 9am on Sunday 24 April 2022.
A Closed Waters Permit/Aquatic Activity Licence will be secured to effect a slow ceremonial procession ON THE PORT (LEFT) SIDE OF THE CHANNEL FROM THE GOOLWA AQUATIC CLUB (GAC) TO THE WHARF PRECINCT corresponding to Leg 1 for each course.
All boats are required to assemble on the water in front of the Goolwa Aquatic Club by 8.45 am and follow any instructions given by the relevant Course Officials.
For this ceremonial start of the event, any participating Venetian boat or craft rowed Venetian-style or some other featured boat will be positioned at the head of the fleet as a gesture of solidarity with Venice and to acknowledge the origins of the event. The likely fastest craft (e.g. row boats) in the fleet will be next in line, including rowing-class boats and dragon boats with larger crews, followed by slower boats or smaller craft that carry fewer rowers or paddlers.
Once assembled, a signal will be given for the combined fleet of participants to commence a slow procession from the GAC towards the Hindmarsh Island bridge along the left side of the channel. While in procession, all craft/vessels must remain behind the lead boat(s) until they reach the Wharf precinct.
Once the lead boat is directly opposite the Goolwa Wharf, a call will be made via loud speaker for a customary Alza Remi – a traditional ‘raising-of-the-oars’ Venetian salute to Venice and Goolwa. On this call, all participants will raise their oars or paddles (or arms if oars are locked) vertically and simultaneously in salute. At the conclusion of the Alza Remi all craft will proceed under the Hindmarsh Island Bridge before crossing the channel to the starboard/right side of the channel. Participants will then be free to row or paddle at their own speed following their preferred course (Main Course, Short Course or Extended Course – listed under the FAQ tab).
Bad Weather Alternative Course
An Alternative Course will be provided to participants in the event of strong winds which would make the official courses (Main, Short or Extended) unsafe. Details of any alternative bad weather course will be made available in good time before the scheduled start of the event.
The Vogalonga Down Unda is a non-competitive event and as such it does not have performance rankings based on the time taken to complete any course. Finishers must simply return to the GAC and then check-in again to confirm their safe return and receive a food voucher for lunch. A dedicated marque will be indicated for return check-ins. Registered participants will then be marked off as having safely completed the course. Only registered participants who are wearing a coloured wrist band provided at initial check-in prior to the official start of the event will receive a complementary food voucher included in a Participant Pack provided by our event sponsors.
Support Info - click plus ⊕ for more detail
Accidents and Assistance
All participants will be required to comply with relevant local laws pertaining to water safety and must wear approved personal floatation devices/life jackets at all times while on the water unless an exemption applies to their particular craft. The Organizing Committee declines all responsibility for accidents that happen to participants or are caused by participants to other people or items during the course of the event. Participants can expect on-water support services to be provided during the event until 1pm on the day of the event. St John First Aid volunteers will also be in attendance at the GAC.